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Filling The Gap

20-25% rate of pregnancy loss

Early pregnancy loss is common and, even still, underreported. Despite the prevalence, there are limited options for care. Women either call their OB/GYN provider (if they have established care) or must present to their local Emergency Department - a setting traditionally known to lack empathy and training in miscarriage management. We are standing in the gap.

Mental Health Disparities

Pregnancy loss is a traumatic event. Depression, anxiety, and PTS/PTSD accompany pregnancy loss, in most cases. Psychological distress is common and only worsens if untreated. Intrusive thoughts of fear, shame, and guilt need to be discussed. There are many barriers to seeking help such as stigma, cost, lack of relationship w/ therapist, and minimal resources. We believe that the emotional aspect of healing is equally as important as the physical. Everyone who walks through our doors is matched to the mental health support that is right for them.

30% follow up

The current follow up rate after a miscarriage is staggeringly low, and providers are not the ones following up. It's the struggling patient. Our current system neither prioritizes nor "benefits" from following up. Unfortunately this poses a huge problem for both the physical and mental health of women. Those who lack follow-up are more likely to develop a severe infection, hemorrhage (bleed excessively), and experience complications from retained products of conception (tissue from the pregnancy). Untreated mental health is detrimental to subsequent pregnancies and suicide rates are higher in those who lack regular and consistent support.

We plan to open in North Atlanta, GA




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Haven Miscarriage Clinic is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation  

EIN 99-1745556

© 2024 by Haven Miscarriage Clinic, Inc.

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